Category: Safeguarding
Trainer:Karen Littleford
Venue: Online - Zoom

Who is this course aimed at?

Staff whose role includes 'Safeguarding Lead'

What does this course cover?

  • Raise awareness of Safeguarding Adults legislation  & statutory guidance
  • Identify the key elements & requirements of the role ; including building external links with partnerships and others
  • Consider how the SAL can promote and develop a positive safeguarding culture within their organisation
  • Describe the need to ensure policies  & procedures reflect good practice around whistleblowing and reporting safeguarding  concerns
  • Illustrate how coaching, mentoring and supervision contributes to the development of good practice
  • Explain  how local and national learning from  Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR’s ) will be utilised within the role
  • Explore any CPD  needs that are required to fulfil and develop the role & consider the wider workforce development in relation to adult safeguarding
  • Summarise the role of risk management and auditing processes & Identify where risks and challenges exist within your organisation


Cost of course

Non-Member: £52.00


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