Category: Moving and Handling
Trainers:Emma Yeomans, Martin George
Venue: Partners in Care

Who is the meeting aimed at?

Certified in-house Moving & Handling Trainers who have completed the Shropshire Partners in Care 6 day training course. 

Other practising trainers in adult social care services who have completed their 6 day training elsewhere.


Please ensure that all Learners attending training at our venue(s) are aware of the following:

  • All learners must verbally confirm they have no symptoms of COVID-19 . Should a learner exhibit symptom(s) of COVID-19, or confirm they have symptoms but have not tested, then Partners in Care will provide a test kit at no cost to the learner’s employer to be carried out before entrance to the building is confirmed. If a learner has symptoms but can provide evidence of a negative test taken on the morning of the course, this will be sufficient to allow entrance.

What does the meeting cover?

  • Practical skills
  • Updates
  • Troubleshooting
  • Advice and practical training skills



Cost of course

Non-Member: Free


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