Category: Clinical
Trainer:Jemma Brown
Venue: Partners in Care

Who is this course aimed at?

All care staff working in adult social care.

This training is only for health professionals who are working within Shropshire.


Please ensure that all Learners attending training at our venue(s) are aware of the following:

  • All learners must verbally confirm they have no symptoms of COVID-19 . Should a learner exhibit symptom(s) of COVID-19, or confirm they have symptoms but have not tested, then Partners in Care will provide a test kit at no cost to the learner’s employer to be carried out before entrance to the building is confirmed. If a learner has symptoms but can provide evidence of a negative test taken on the morning of the course, this will be sufficient to allow entrance.

What does the course cover?

  • Information about continence and how it affects different demographics.
  • Introduction to the most common types of incontinence
  • Introduction to UTI – prevention and recognition of symptoms
  • Introduction to Catheters and Catheter care
  • Practical catheter care
  • Continence Aids and Appliances
  • Continence products (Washable and disposable)
  • Introduction to Continence Reassessment

After attending this course Healthcare Assistants (HCAs) will be able to undertake continence reassessments, under the direction of a trained nurse.

Cost of course

Non-Member: £35.00


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